About Me

- Martin Koutecký
- Office 326 @ Malostranské náměstí 25
- Computer Science Institute, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
- koutecky@iuuk.mff.cuni.cz
- I am primarily interested in the parameterized complexity of integer programming and in combinatorial optimization in general. I also dabble in computational social choice. My PhD supervisor at Charles University was Petr Kolman and my postdoc advisors at Technion (Haifa, Israel) were Asaf Levin and Shmuel Onn.
- I love Jesus Christ, my wife, and my son, and I like to do math, read, and make music (I have an album!)
Experimental Analysis of LP Scaling Methods Based on Circuit Imbalance Minimization
Parameterized algorithms for block-structured integer programs with large entries
A Polyhedral Perspective on Tropical Convolutions
Heuristics for Opinion Diffusion via Local Elections
Fine-Grained Liquid Democracy for Cumulative Ballots
Characterization of matrices with bounded Graver bases and depth parameters and applications to integer programming
Sometimes, Convex Separable Optimization Is Much Harder than Linear Optimization, and Other Surprises
A Note on Coloring (4K1,C4,C6)-free graphs with a C7
Improved Analysis of Online Balanced Clustering
Uniform and Monotone Line Sum Optimization
A Note on the Approximability of Deepest-Descent Circuit Steps
Complexity of Scheduling Few Types of Jobs on Related and Unrelated Machines
New Bounds on Augmenting Steps of Block-Structured Integer Programs
Multi-party Campaigning
Scheduling Kernels via Configuration LP
Parameterized Algorithms for MILPs with Small Treedepth
Multitype Integer Monoid Optimization and Applications
Matrices of Optimal Tree-Depth and Row-Invariant Parameterized Algorithm for Integer Programming
An Algorithmic Theory of Integer Programming
Approximating Max-Cut under Graph-MSO Constraints
A Unifying Framework for Manipulation Problems
Opinion Diffusion and Campaigning on Society Graphs
A Parameterized Strongly Polynomial Algorithm for Block Structured Integer Programs
Evaluating and Tuning n-fold Integer Programming
Integer Programming Toolbox (two short articles in June and December 2018 issues of FPT News: The Parameterized Complexity Newsletter)
Approximate separable multichoice optimization over monotone systems
Integer Programming in Parameterized Complexity: Three/Five Miniatures
Combinatorial n-Fold Integer Programming and Applications
Parameterized Shifted Combinatorial Optimization
Simplified Algorithmic Metatheorems Beyond MSO: Treewidth and Neighborhood Diversity (Best Student Paper Award at WG 2017!)
Parameterized Resiliency Problems via Integer Linear Programming
Voting and Bribing in Single-exponential Time
Graver Basis Optimization (a short article in May 2016 issue of FPT News: The Parameterized Complexity Newsletter)
Scheduling meets n-fold Integer Programming