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teaching:intro_par_alg2425 [2024/11/20 12:29] – [Material Covered] Jiří Fiala | teaching:intro_par_alg2425 [2024/12/17 22:45] (aktuální) – 17. 12. Martin Koutecky |
| 22. 10. | Bounded Search Trees: <typo fv:small-caps>Vertex Cover</typo> in $\mathcal{O}^*(1.6181^k)$ and $\mathcal{O}^*(1.4656^k)$ time; <typo fv:small-caps>Closest String</typo> in $\mathcal{O}^*(d^d)$ time **[PA 3.1, 3.5]** | | | 22. 10. | Bounded Search Trees: <typo fv:small-caps>Vertex Cover</typo> in $\mathcal{O}^*(1.6181^k)$ and $\mathcal{O}^*(1.4656^k)$ time; <typo fv:small-caps>Closest String</typo> in $\mathcal{O}^*(d^d)$ time **[PA 3.1, 3.5]** | |
| 29. 10. | Iterative Compression for <typo fv:small-caps>Vertex Cover</typo>, <typo fv:small-caps>Feedback Vertex Set</typo> and <typo fv:small-caps>Odd Cycle Transversal</typo>, **[PA 4.1, 4.3.1, 4.4]** | | | 29. 10. | Iterative Compression for <typo fv:small-caps>Vertex Cover</typo>, <typo fv:small-caps>Feedback Vertex Set</typo> and <typo fv:small-caps>Odd Cycle Transversal</typo>, **[PA 4.1, 4.3.1, 4.4]** | |
| | 5. 11. | //sport day - no class//| |
| 12. 11. | Dynamic programming and convolutions on <typo fv:small-caps>Set Cover</typo> and <typo fv:small-caps>Steiner Tree</typo> **[PA 6.1]**, PIE and <typo fv:small-caps>Hamiltonian Cycle</typo> **[PA 10.1.1]** | | | 12. 11. | Dynamic programming and convolutions on <typo fv:small-caps>Set Cover</typo> and <typo fv:small-caps>Steiner Tree</typo> **[PA 6.1]**, PIE and <typo fv:small-caps>Hamiltonian Cycle</typo> **[PA 10.1.1]** | |
| 29. 11. | Treewidth, nice tree decompositions, <typo fv:small-caps>Independent Set</typo> **[PA 7.2, 7.3.1]**| | | 19. 11. | Treewidth, nice tree decompositions, <typo fv:small-caps>Independent Set</typo> **[PA 7.2, 7.3.1]**| |
| | 26. 11. | More Treewidth - grids, bidimensionality **[PA 7.7.1, 7.7.2 ]**| |
/*| 30. 11. | More Treewidth - FPT alg., MSO, grids **[PA 7.7.1, 7.7.2 ]**| | | 3. 12. | Intro to neighborhood diversity and ILPs. Solving <typo fv:small-caps>Coloring</typo> on graphs of bounded $nd(G)$. **[ND, NdCol, 5M]**| |
| 7. 12. | Intro to neighborhood diversity and ILPs. Solving <typo fv:small-caps>Coloring</typo> on graphs of bounded $nd(G)$. **[ND, NdCol, 5M]**| | | 10. 12. | Neighborhood diversity: <typo fv:small-caps>Sum Coloring</typo> via $n$-fold IP, and as a convex IP in small dimension **[5M, Thm 2(a), 2(b)]**| |
| 14. 12. | Neighborhood diversity: <typo fv:small-caps>Sum Coloring</typo> via $n$-fold IP, and as a convex IP in small dimension **[5M, Thm 2(a), 2(b)]**| | | 17. 12. | Plan: Neighborhood diversity: Q&A on <typo fv:small-caps>Sum Coloring</typo> **[5M, Thm 2]**, <typo fv:small-caps>Capacitated Dominating Set</typo> **[5M, Thm 1]**; <typo fv:small-caps>Max $q$-Cut</typo> **[5M, Thm 3]**. [[https://www.geogebra.org/calculator/pfdttsng|Geogebra: $x \cdot y$ is obviously not convex.]]| |
| 21. 12. | Neighborhood diversity: finish <typo fv:small-caps>Sum Coloring</typo> **[5M, Thm 2]**, <typo fv:small-caps>Capacitated Dominating Set</typo> **[5M, Thm 1]**| | | 7. 1. | //Plan: $P||C_{\max}$ is FPT($d$) if $p_{\max}$ unary bounded, using the algorithm of Goemans-Rothvoss **[GR]**. Another application: <typo fv:small-caps>Equitable Coloring</typo> is FPT($nd(G)$).//| |
| 4. 1. | Parameterized reductions, The W-hierarchy **[PA, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3]**| | |
| 11. 1. | $P||C_{\max}$ is FPT($d$) if $p_{\max}$ unary bounded, using the algorithm of Goemans-Rothvoss **[GR]**. Another application: <typo fv:small-caps>Equitable Coloring</typo> is FPT($nd(G)$). |*/ | |
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