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teaching:ads22223_lecture [2022/11/16 15:58] Martin Kouteckyteaching:ads22223_lecture [2023/01/09 13:41] (aktuální) Martin Koutecky
Řádek 14: Řádek 14:
 | 2. 11. | Goldberg's push-relabel algorithm [[https://stream.cuni.cz/cs/Detail/18256|recording]], [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-4.pdf|slides]], [[https://mj.ucw.cz/vyuka/1819/ads2/goldberg.pdf|notes]]| | 2. 11. | Goldberg's push-relabel algorithm [[https://stream.cuni.cz/cs/Detail/18256|recording]], [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-4.pdf|slides]], [[https://mj.ucw.cz/vyuka/1819/ads2/goldberg.pdf|notes]]|
 | 9. 11. | Dean's sport day -- **no class** | | 9. 11. | Dean's sport day -- **no class** |
-| 16. 11.| Parallel algorithms: fast addition, fast sorting. slides: [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-5.pdf|1]], [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-5.pdf|2]], [[https://stream.cuni.cz/cs/Detail/18341|recording]] | +| 16. 11.| Parallel algorithms: fast addition, fast sorting. slides: [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-5.pdf|1]], [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-6.pdf|2]], [[https://stream.cuni.cz/cs/Detail/18341|recording]]; more slides for [[http://users.wfu.edu/choss/CUDA/docs/Lecture%2010.pdf|sorting]]; [[https://ti.inf.ethz.ch/ew/courses/APC22/Chapter_6.pdf|notes for addition (6.1)]] | 
-| 23. 11.| //Plan: finish sortinggeometric algorithms (probably).//| +| 23. 11.| Design of a comparator (see slides above). Geometric algorithms: convex hull, line segment intersections [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-12.pdf|slides]]sorry, no recording. **[CLRS 33.1-33.3]**| 
 +| 30. 11. | Multiplying polynomials quickly: FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). slides [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-7.pdf|1]] [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-8.pdf|2]], [[https://jeffe.cs.illinois.edu/teaching/algorithms/notes/A-fft.pdf|JeffE's notes]], [[https://stream.cuni.cz/cs/Detail/18418|recording]]| 
 +| 7. 12. | Finish FFT, begin reductions. [[https://stream.cuni.cz/cs/Detail/18496|recording]]| 
 +| 14. 12. | Reductions: SAT, 3-SAT, IndSet, Clique, 3DM. [[https://stream.cuni.cz/cs/Detail/18529|recording]], [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-9.pdf|slides]], [[https://jeffe.cs.illinois.edu/teaching/algorithms/book/12-nphard.pdf|JeffE (more than you asked for)]]| 
 +| 2112. | 3,3-SAT reduces to 3DM. Classes P, NP; Cook's theorem. [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-10.pdf|slides]], [[https://jeffe.cs.illinois.edu/teaching/algorithms/book/12-nphard.pdf|JeffE]], [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~koutecky/ads2-21122022.mkv|recording]]
 +| 4. 1. | Dealing with NP-hardness. IndSet is solvable on trees; coloring is solvable on interval graphs; Knapsack is solvable in pseudopolynomial time (=when input values are polynomially bounded). Approximation: 2-approximation algorithm for $\Delta$-TSP (on a complete graph and with $\Delta$-inequality). No $\alpha$-approximation for general TSP. Fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for Knapsack (downscaling values). [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-10.pdf|slides 1]], [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~hubicka/2020/adsII-11.pdf|slides 2]], [[https://iuuk.mff.cuni.cz/~koutecky/ads2-04012023.mkv|recording]]|
 {{page>teaching:bits:resources_ads1}} {{page>teaching:bits:resources_ads1}}
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads22223:ads2_lecture_notes.pdf |Notes from Andrej Perković}} (**100MB file**) (no guarantee of correctness, email him if you find bugs: <arachneen_octogone.0c@icloud.com>)
-====== ADS1 Exam / 2022 ======+====== ADS2 Exam / 2023 ======
 The exam will consist of: The exam will consist of:
-  - Two questions about an algorithm or a data structure from the lecture – describing the algorithm or data structure, proving they are correct, giving the complexity analysis.+  - Two questions about an algorithm or a data structure from the lecture – describing the algorithm or data structure, proving they are correct, giving the complexity analysis. (With "big" topics I will ask about a specific part of an algorithm, or for an overview of the algorithm. No need to reproduce 2 lectures worth of material as your first answer.)
   - Two tasks similar to those from the tutorial – either apply an algorithm / data structure from the lecture to some problem (need to model the problem appropriately) OR adapt the algorithm / data structure to solve some problem (need to understand how it works internally to be able to adapt it appropriately)   - Two tasks similar to those from the tutorial – either apply an algorithm / data structure from the lecture to some problem (need to model the problem appropriately) OR adapt the algorithm / data structure to solve some problem (need to understand how it works internally to be able to adapt it appropriately)
Řádek 44: Řádek 48:
 **Disclaimer:** the topics below are NOT specific instances of “type 1” questions. It is clear that some topics are wider and some narrower. However, if you have a good understanding of all the topics below, you should not be surprised by anything during the lecture. **Disclaimer:** the topics below are NOT specific instances of “type 1” questions. It is clear that some topics are wider and some narrower. However, if you have a good understanding of all the topics below, you should not be surprised by anything during the lecture.
-  * BFSDFS and their edge classifications +  * String searching -- problem definitionbasic notions and lemmas 
-  DFS applications: topological sorting, detecting strongly connected components +    Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm 
-  Dijkstra’s algorithm +    Aho-Corasick Algorithm 
-  Bellman-Ford’s algorithm +    Rabin-Karp Algorithm 
-  * Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm (small topic) +  * Network Flows -- problem definition, notions, lemmas 
-  Jarník’s algorithm +    Ford-Fulkerson 
-  Borůvka’s algorithm +    Dinitz 
-  Kruskal’s algoritmus + Union-Find data structure using trees +    Goldberg 
-  * Binary Search Trees (BSTs) in general +  * Parallel Algorithms / Circuits 
-  AVL trees +    Fast Addition 
-  $(a,b)$-trees +    Fast Sorting 
-  * Red-black trees – we covered these very briefly, but you should be able to describe the bijection between LLRBs and $(2,4)$-trees +  * Geometric Algorithms 
-  Hashing with chaining +    Convex Hull 
-  * Hashing with open addressing (warningI did this at the tutorial; if you don’t understand itplease read JeffE’s notes) +    * Line Segment Intersections 
-  * Universal hashing +  * FFT: definitionsalgorithmhow to multiply polynomials quickly 
-  Master theorem – analyzing the complexity of Divide & Conquer algorithms using the recursion tree +  * Reductions 
-  Integer multiplication using Karatsuba’algorithm +    Definitions of most important NP-hard problems: SAT, IS, VC, Clique, 3DM, SubsetSum 
-  * MomSelect (finding the $k$-th smallest element in an array in linear time) +    * P, NP, NP-complete, NP-hard 
-  Edit Distance dynamic programming algorithm +    Cook'theorem 
-  Longest Increasing Subsequence dynamic programming algorithm +  * Dealing with NP-hardness 
-  Lower bounds: searching in a sorted array is $\Omega(\log n)$, sorting is $\Omega(n \log n)$ (only applies to deterministic and comparison-based algorithms)+    IndSet on Trees 
 +    Coloring of Interval Graphs 
 +    Approximation algorithms (definition) 
 +    * $2$-approximation of $\Delta$-TSP 
 +    * Non-existence of an $O(1)$-approximation for (unrestrictedTSP 
 +    * Pseudopolynomial algorithm for Knapsack; FPTAS for Knapsack.
teaching/ads22223_lecture.1668610723.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2022/11/16 15:58 autor: Martin Koutecky