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teaching:ads12324_tutorial [2024/02/18 21:36] – [Credit requirements] Martin Kouteckyteaching:ads12324_tutorial [2024/05/20 10:48] (aktuální) – 13-cv Martin Koutecky
Řádek 12: Řádek 12:
 ===== What we have done at the tutorial ===== ===== What we have done at the tutorial =====
-TBA+  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:01-cv.pdf |1st tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:02-cv.pdf |2nd tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:03-cv.pdf |3rd tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:04-cv.pdf |4th tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:05-cv.pdf |5th tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:06-cv.pdf |6th tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:07-cv.pdf |7th tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:08-cv.pdf |8th tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:09-cv.pdf |9th tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:10-cv.pdf |10th tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:11-cv.pdf |11th tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:12-cv.pdf |12th tutorial}} 
 +  * {{ :teaching:ads12324:13-cv.pdf |13th tutorial}}
 {{page>teaching:bits:resources_ads1}} {{page>teaching:bits:resources_ads1}}
teaching/ads12324_tutorial.1708288584.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2024/02/18 21:36 autor: Martin Koutecky