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My notes taken from reading science blogs at ResearchBlogging.

Older stuff

3. 9. 2012

  • Everybody wants the same financial equality in the USvery interesting article (and statistic).
  • Truthiness – how presentation of facts/claims matters. What to learn from this: a) Accompany information with pictures, b) think about the processing the viewer is doing in his/her head. That'll help you get through to them better.
  • ‘t Hooft and quantum computation – our path to quantum computation might be longer than expected. Math shows why.
  • Why I hope this is the last paralympics„I'm a swimmer, not a disabled person.“ It is true that I think of Stephen Hawking as a brilliant physicist first and as a disabled person second. The paralympics should join the olympics as suggested in the article.

18. 9. 2012

21. 10. 2012

  • Later sexual initiation predicts relationship satisfaction in adulthood – so you're saying there might be something to „no sex before marriage“ after all?
  • Doplhins pull endless all nighters – turns out that dolphins can „half-sleep“ by shutting down one half of the brain, yet retain full conciousness, and alternate this for (possibly) months. Whoa.
  • Sometimes health-care policy has nothing to do with health – a different perspective on the US healt-care debate: people actually have a problem with perceiving any form of „socialized medicine“ as benefiting the „freeloaders“; thus the public opinion may be shifted by focusing on this aspect (and/or making people cut the „freeloaders“ some slack…?). Generally speaking though, an encouragement to dig deeper into people's motivations in any discussion, really.
  • When do people whistle-blow? – people need to feel a responsibility, not fear co-worker invalidation and have as much evidence and leverage as possible. Possible application: focus on encouraging whistle-blowing more; all we do now is talk about protection after the act (if anything). Practical scenario: schools.
  • Does violence successfully deter more violence? – not really, though it is complicated. Quoting the paper itself: „It seems that, ironically, defeat does not lower an adversary’s motivation for violence but may increase it and draw into the conflict third parties toward which aggression was displaced.“
  • Mindfullness – everybody keeps writing about mindfullness, yet I still don't really know what it is. More research needed.
  • Can we build a more efficient airplane? – not really, but the demonstration is awesomely intuitive and well written; also the discussion contains some interesting ideas (Waverider design).
  • Myth busting ain't easy (original article) – accessible article, cool illustrations and stories.
  • The Biological Internet – the scientists created a virus which doesn't harm it's host, but waits for a DNA strand to float by and if it does, it gets assimilated, replicated many times and released. They go on to claim this gives a way for precisely targeted delivery of information that can be then processed in all sorts of ways. Orchestrating the cooperation of cells to form artificial tissues, or even artificial organisms is just one possibility.. Keep an eye on this.
  • Seralini GM fed rats – great debunking of the „GM fed rats die faster“ paper – the statistics just don't hold. A great example of the scientific community holding each other responsible.
  • Mirror, mirror on the wall, am I healthy after all?Mirrors doing health analysis during the typical morning routine. Could be creepy (if it decides to tweet a warning to everyone that today you'll be grumpy), but also very useful (for changes that span over longer periods of time – e.g. I wouldn't notice my skin changing color signifying a deficiency of some vitamin, but my mirror could.)
  • The psychology of inefficient markets – When traders are shown the top results, they're reckless and nobody benefits; when shown the results of the last person, they're more conservative, which benefits society. Our incentives for traders are wrong.
  • What types of feedback should students receive? – give students positive feedback, especially in areas they're uncertain (they have some idea, but need verification and positive reinforcement). Also, individual computer tutors are probably the future, for some areas at least.

2. 11. 2012

6. 11. 2012

  • Your brain on psilocybin (aka mushrooms) – a) the „mind-expanding“ effect of psilocybin actually comes from supressing brain activity in centres related to self b) there seems to be some data supporting the theory that a big amount of brain activity goes to reducing our inputs, so we only consciously handle signals deemed important by our brain; if you shut those filters down, you get hallucinations. I agree with the author: „ I do think the idea that psilocybin permits an “unconstrained style of cognition” is an intriguing one.“
  • How flavor and texture alter how full we expect a food to make us feel – increasing creamy flavor made people expect to be more filled, but only increasing thickness (texture, not flavor) actually did the job.
  • The changing face of british suicide – in 1979/83 many of the suicides were in white-collar professions; in 2005 the top 30 were blue-collar professions only, with coal miners rising from #29 to #1. Quote: „What's more, the correlation between socioeconomic status and suicide rates increased sharply over time. Suicide is now much more of a class issue than it was in the past.“
  • Peer reviewed research predicted NYC subway flooding by Sandy„The combined effects of storm climatology change and a 1 m sea level rise may cause the present NYC 100-yr surge flooding to occur every 3–20 yr and the present 500-yr flooding to occur every 25–240 yr by the end of the century.“ AKA watch out for global warming.
  • Outdated pain theories, part 2 -- posture and body structure. It's dubious whether bad posture means chronic pain (the research doesn't support any such claim), and even if a correlation existed, it doesn't mean causation – the bad posture could be a result of pain. But good posture is still good.
  • Outdated pain theories, part 3 -- muscle imbalances & the "core". Again, the awkward exercises done to strenghten allegedly weak muscles could be helping simply because any exercise helps. The evidence isn't there. Plus, „core“ seems like a bullshit concept entirely.
  • Defining music – an article about a paper on music & language. The definition of music is surprisingly difficult for these reasons: 1) Music varies across cultures, 2) musical practice varies over time, even within the same culture, 3) how music feels is very ambiguous, even on an emotional level, 4) any sound can be treated musically. I agree with the blogger that the best definition would probably be something like „creative play with sound with the conscious intention of producing music“.
  • Language as a form of music – the same paper as before; the claim that language is just a subset of music is dubious, but there is a very interesting and tight correlation in times of developing related music & language skills (see this timeline).
researchblogging.1352192999.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2012/11/06 10:09 autor: Martin Koutecky