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researchblogging [2013/01/21 18:26] – Catching up 2013 #2 Martin Kouteckyresearchblogging [2013/01/21 20:10] (aktuální) – Catching up 2013 #3 Martin Koutecky
Řádek 108: Řádek 108:
   * [[http://www.persuasivelitigator.com/2012/12/use-mental-images-to-sway-moral-judgment.html|Use mental images to sway moral judgement]] -- when presented with a cold, factual description of a situation we're more likely to make an utilitarian moral choice. When the picture is more "human", relatable, emotional, the moral judgement will be also more emotional.   * [[http://www.persuasivelitigator.com/2012/12/use-mental-images-to-sway-moral-judgment.html|Use mental images to sway moral judgement]] -- when presented with a cold, factual description of a situation we're more likely to make an utilitarian moral choice. When the picture is more "human", relatable, emotional, the moral judgement will be also more emotional.
   * [[http://saypeople.com/2012/12/24/motivation-and-study-skills-are-more-important-than-intelligence-in-learning-mathematics|Motivation and study skills are more important than intelligence in learning mathematics]] -- quote: "//Researchers found that intelligence contributes strongly in the initial stage of achievement in mathematics. However for long term achievements, students’ motivation and study skills and habits play more important role for their ability to learn mathematics. Competent students use different learning techniques, such as summarizing, explaining, and making connections to other materials, to get good marks.//"   * [[http://saypeople.com/2012/12/24/motivation-and-study-skills-are-more-important-than-intelligence-in-learning-mathematics|Motivation and study skills are more important than intelligence in learning mathematics]] -- quote: "//Researchers found that intelligence contributes strongly in the initial stage of achievement in mathematics. However for long term achievements, students’ motivation and study skills and habits play more important role for their ability to learn mathematics. Competent students use different learning techniques, such as summarizing, explaining, and making connections to other materials, to get good marks.//"
 +====== Catching up 2013 #3 ======
 +  * [[http://www.globalcognition.org/head-smart/critical-thinking-skills/|Critical thinking skills: What are they and how do I get them?]] -- we all know it's good to be able to think critically, but what does it mean exactly? Those are the core skills: **(1)** Suspending judgment to check the validity of a proposition or action, **(2)** Taking into consideration multiple perspectives, **(3)** Examining implications and consequences of a belief or action, **(4)** Using reason and evidence to resolve disagreements, **(5)** Re-evaluating a point of view in light of new information. As far as learning them -- just use them.
 +  * [[http://www.globalcognition.org/head-smart/critical-thinking-in-decision-making/|Critical thinking in decision making]] -- ask yourself those questions: **(1)** Do you have all the necessary information?, **(2)** Is there any conflict in the evidence?, **(3)** The devil’s advocate tells you that your story is wrong. Make up an alternative story. Is it more plausible than the original?.
 +  * [[http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/information-culture/2013/01/01/whats-wrong-with-citation-analysis/|What's wrong with citation analysis]] -- citations are one of the bases of the way we currently do science. What could possibly be wrong with it? Well, we're influenced by way more things than we're able to actually quote; after a careful definition of an influence the authors conclude, that "//only about 30% of influences are cited.//" Also, quite often only review papers are quoted, not giving credit to the original researchers. There are many more problems. **My personal opinion: we need to update the "paper" research format.**
 +  * [[http://popsych.org/the-tension-between-theory-and-reality/|The tension between theory and reality]] -- a good, bird-eye view of the current increasing trend of using computer models in research. They're not bad //per se//, but we need to understand the limitations of the tool we're using.
 +  * [[http://saypeople.com/2013/01/06/you-are-continuously-changing-yourself/#.UP1gqK1fTz7|You are continuously changing yourself]] -- all participants felt that: "//they had changed a lot in the past but would change relatively little in the future.//" Some other good ideas there: //“What’s fascinating about that is that people don’t have this belief about other people or about the world,” Van Boven adds. “We fully expect other people to change. We fully realize that we have changed in the past. There’s something odd about this projection of the self into the future that’s psychologically unique.”//
 +  * [[https://brainsidea.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/delaying-dementia-without-pills/|Delaying dementia without pills]] -- one needs to build a //cognitive reserve// -- by using the brain as much as possible (art, education, ...). But, it doesn't //prevent// dementia, just pushes the worst further, when it actually happens //faster//. Succintly: //"The higher the education the shallower the decline before a break point, the later that break point, and the steeper the decline thereafter."//
 +  * [[https://bsclarified.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/qr-codes-to-be-used-to-prevent-drug-counterfeiting/|QR codes to be used to prevent drug counterfeiting]] -- they want to put microscopic qr codes into drugs which will containt information about the specific batch, contents etc., so as to make counterfeiting way harder. Interesting.
 +  * [[https://stoove.wordpress.com/2013/01/15/quantum-ignorance/|Quantum ignorance]] -- this is a brilliant idea, that **there's not //classical// and //quantum// probability**, but that when we're talking about //classical// probability, we're basically just using the fact that the expectation of the sum of many quantum events happening behave like our "classical" probability, but there's really no such thing.
researchblogging.1358789177.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2013/01/21 18:26 autor: Martin Koutecky