====== ADS2 Tutorial 2024/25 ====== See the Table of Contents on the right. I highly recommend reading through the whole page. You can find below the tasks done at the tutorial. To communicate regarding the homework, we will be using [[https://kam.mff.cuni.cz/owl/|OWL]]. If you haven't received an enrollment token from me, please send me an email. When sending an email, please always add ''[ADS2]'' in the subject line. ===== What we have done at the tutorial ===== * {{ :teaching:ads22425:01-cv.pdf |1. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:01-cv-s.tex |tex}}) * {{ :teaching:ads22425:02-cv.pdf |2. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:02-cv-s.tex |tex}}) * {{ :teaching:ads22425:03-cv.pdf |3. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:03-cv-s.tex |tex}}) * {{ :teaching:ads22425:04-cv.pdf |4. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:04-cv-s.tex |tex}}) * {{ :teaching:ads22425:05-cv.pdf |5. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:05-cv-s.tex |tex}}) * {{ :teaching:ads22425:06-cv.pdf |6. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:06-cv-s.tex |tex}}) * {{ :teaching:ads22425:07-cv.pdf |7. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:07-cv-s.tex |tex}}) * {{ :teaching:ads22425:08-cv.pdf |8. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:08-cv-s.tex |tex}}) * {{ :teaching:ads22425:09-cv.pdf |9. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:09-cv-s.tex |tex}}) * {{ :teaching:ads22425:10-cv.pdf |10. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:10-cv-s.tex |tex}}) * {{ :teaching:ads22425:11-cv.pdf |11. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:11-cv-s.tex |tex}}) * {{ :teaching:ads22425:12-cv.pdf |12. tutorial}} ({{ :teaching:ads22425:12-cv-s.tex |tex}}) (To compile the tex, you also need the following {{ :teaching:ads22425:preamble_koutecky.tex |preamble}}.) /* * {{ :teaching:ads22223:01-cv.pdf |1. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:02-cv.pdf |2. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:03-cv.pdf |3. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:04-cv.pdf |4. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:05-cv.pdf |5. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:06-cv.pdf |6. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:07-cv.pdf |7. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:08-cv.pdf |8. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:09-cv.pdf |9. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:10-cv.pdf |10. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:11-cv.pdf |11. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:12-cv.pdf |12. tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads22223:13-cv.pdf |13. tutorial}} */ {{page>teaching:bits:resources_ads1}} ===== Credit requirements ===== I will grant credits for gaining a total of 100 points. You can see your current number of points in OWL. You can gain points in the following ways: * **Solving homework:** I will assign tasks for at least 150 points. Each task has a deadline, typically in two weeks; for solutions submitted after the deadline you only get 2/3 of total points. The tasks will be divided into thematic groups distinguished by some code and I require that you hand in at least one task from each group. It's OK if your solution is not perfect, but I want you to put some effort into each group of tasks. More details on [[#homework|homework]]. * **Student grading:** if you are confident when handing in homework, you can get up extra points by becoming a //student grader// for this task. The formula for points obtained is $r \cdot b/5$, where $b$ is the number of points the task is worth and $r$ is the number of solutions you graded, that is, if a task is worth $6$ points and you grade $10$ solutions, you will get $10 \cdot 6/5 = 12$ points. You can only become a grader $3\times$ a semester. More about [[#student grading|student grading]]... * **Project:** you can get extra points for a small project, which can be practical (implementing some algorithm) or theoretical (description and analysis of some nontrivial algorithm). You can propose a project or ask me for ideas. The project has to be novel in some way; I will not allow a simple implementation of a textbook algorithm, not least because those are widely publicly available. ===== More Information ===== {{page>teaching:bits:homework}} {{page>teaching:bits:student_grading}} /* {{page>teaching:bits:ads1_projects}} */