====== ADS1 Tutorial 2023/24 ====== See the Table of Contents on the right. I highly recommend reading through the whole page. You can find below both the tasks done at the tutorial as well as the homework assignments. However, to communicate regarding the homework, we will be using [[https://kam.mff.cuni.cz/owl/|OWL]]. If you haven't received an enrollment token from me, please send me an email. When sending an email, please always add ''[ADS1]'' in the subject line. ===== What we have done at the tutorial ===== * {{ :teaching:ads12324:01-cv.pdf |1st tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:02-cv.pdf |2nd tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:03-cv.pdf |3rd tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:04-cv.pdf |4th tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:05-cv.pdf |5th tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:06-cv.pdf |6th tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:07-cv.pdf |7th tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:08-cv.pdf |8th tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:09-cv.pdf |9th tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:10-cv.pdf |10th tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:11-cv.pdf |11th tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:12-cv.pdf |12th tutorial}} * {{ :teaching:ads12324:13-cv.pdf |13th tutorial}} {{page>teaching:bits:resources_ads1}} ===== Credit requirements ===== I will grant credits for gaining a total of 100 points. You can see your current number of points in OWL. You can gain points in the following ways: * **Solving homework:** I will assign tasks for at least 150 points. Each task has a deadline, typically in two weaks, then you only get 2/3 points. The tasks will be divided into thematic groups distinguished by some code and I require that you hand in at least one task from each group. It's OK if your solution is not perfect, but I want you to put some effort into each group of tasks. More details on [[#homework|homework]]. * **Quizzes:** At the beginning of each tutorial, there will be a short quizz where I will ask about something basic from the previous lectures. The purpose is to motivate you to come prepared -- the tutorial is a space to apply what you have learned in the lecture, not to repeat the lecture ;-) * **Student grading:** if you are confident when handing in homework, you can get up extra points by becoming a //student grader// for this task. The formula for points obtained is $r \cdot b/5$, where $b$ is the number of points the task is worth and $r$ is the number of solutions you graded, that is, if a task is worth $6$ points and you grade $10$ solutions, you will get $10 \cdot 6/5 = 12$ points. You can only become a grader $3\times$ a semester. More about [[#student grading|student grading]]... * **Project:** you can get extra points for a small project, which can be practical (implementing some algorithm) or theoretical (description and analysis of some nontrivial algorithm). Ideally, you should propose an original project topic, but you can also ask me for ideas (though I might not have any). ===== More Info ===== {{page>teaching:bits:homework}} {{page>teaching:bits:student_grading}} /* {{page>teaching:bits:ads1_projects}} */